From Teacher to Trailblazer: My Journey with LearnTech Sparks a New Beginning!

Embarking on the path of a trainer with LearnTech has been nothing short of exhilarating. As I reflect on my transition from the bustling classrooms to a remote training setting, the contrast is strikingly positive. Buckle up as I share the highlights of this transformative journey, proving that life after teaching holds untapped opportunities!

The Shift:

Day 1 as a trainer, the nostalgia of school life echoes, but there’s a different kind of excitement and joy. Instead of facing 30 smiling faces, it’s an intimate group of 10 focused apprentices. The newfound freedom is invigorating, liberating me from the constraints of traditional teaching. After 9 years in education, the pivot to a technical trainer role feels like a breath of fresh air.

The Backstory:

Post-university, I climbed the ranks as a secondary school teacher, relishing in the privilege of shaping young minds. Yet, the charm faded as politics and school dynamics took center stage. Seeking change, a break became essential. COVID reshaped my priorities, shifting the focus from career advancement to family. The challenge of balancing family and work grew, prompting me to explore new horizons.

The Offer:

Enter LearnTech—a beacon of change. A LinkedIn connection with one of the founders set the stage for a series of easygoing conversations, leading to three interviews and a promising contract. The offer was a game-changer: 100% remote work, autonomy in managing time and meetings, and the opportunity to deliver dynamic technical courses. Not a boast, but a testament to what passionate ex-teachers can achieve when bureaucracy takes a back seat.

Life in a Week:

One week in, and the freedom to start at 9, pick up my children, and manage my own time feels like a revelation. Collaborative, trusting, and treated like a grown-up—qualities I believe are somewhat overlooked in the education sector. LearnTech provides the structure I need without compromising the adult autonomy that makes work enjoyable.

Meet LearnTech:

Let’s talk about the heartbeat of this journey—LearnTech. A welcoming haven where trust and respect aren’t just buzzwords but integral values. The diverse range of courses and the company’s forward-thinking approach make it a thriving hub. Seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness here; it’s an open invitation to collaboration, innovation, and growth. Lucky to have found LearnTech? Perhaps. Planning to leave anytime soon? Definitely not.

In Conclusion:

From disillusionment to discovery, this journey is proof that there’s life beyond the classroom. LearnTech isn’t just a workplace; it’s a community that values trust, embraces creativity, and fuels a passion for learning. Stay tuned as I continue this exciting adventure—I’m hooked, and the positivity is here to stay! 🚀✨

Published by EducationRambler

Welcome to my blog. Follow me on twitter @gavint321. I am a passionate teacher and leader looking to ensure good practice is shared. All thoughts are my own etc... I have a passion for research based education, craft skills and reflections on my own practice.

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