Unlocking Learning: Part 2 – Prior Knowledge and the Power of Storytelling

Greetings, knowledge seekers! Welcome back to our ongoing exploration of learning and memory. Last time, we delved into the fascinating world of forgetting and how it can actually work to our advantage. Today, we’re honing in on two essential keys to unlocking the mysteries of learning: Prior Knowledge and Storytelling. Prior Knowledge: Think of priorContinue reading “Unlocking Learning: Part 2 – Prior Knowledge and the Power of Storytelling”

Teacher to Trainer: 6 Months – The Final Frontier

Hey there, fellow knowledge seekers! Can you believe it? This might just be the final update in my series on the transition from teacher to trainer. It’s been quite the ride, and I’m hoping these entries will open the eyes of others to the wonders of “life after teaching.” So, let’s dive into the comparison,Continue reading “Teacher to Trainer: 6 Months – The Final Frontier”

“From Teacher to Thriving Trainer: LearnTech’s 3-Month Revolution!”

Hey fellow knowledge enthusiasts! Remember when I shared my thoughts on transitioning from teacher to trainer a while back? Well, fast forward three months, and the LearnTech experience has left me pleasantly surprised and utterly chuffed! 🚀🌟 My Day-to-Day Delight: Initially, my role at LearnTech felt like an extension of my teaching gig—assignments, emails, lessons,Continue reading ““From Teacher to Thriving Trainer: LearnTech’s 3-Month Revolution!””

From Teacher to Trailblazer: My Journey with LearnTech Sparks a New Beginning!

Embarking on the path of a trainer with LearnTech has been nothing short of exhilarating. As I reflect on my transition from the bustling classrooms to a remote training setting, the contrast is strikingly positive. Buckle up as I share the highlights of this transformative journey, proving that life after teaching holds untapped opportunities! TheContinue reading “From Teacher to Trailblazer: My Journey with LearnTech Sparks a New Beginning!”

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